Electric floor heating

Systems for electric underfloor heating are widely used because of their ability to distribute radiant heat evenly over the entire surface of the premises in which they are installed. As a heating element are used heating cables and heating mats. In practice are used two methods of application: polyaccumulative - heating element is placed in the mortar or on the insulation of the floor (under the surface) and a direct method - heating element is placed above screed in glue layer of pavement.

Distribution of heat in the room

Electric underfloor heating systems are used for dry and wet rooms, as their power output can range from 60W / m2 to 200W / m2 depending on the size of the rooms, flooring, under which they are mounted (granite, tile, stone, and in some cases under wood and laminate flooring), thickness of the floor insulation and the presence of thermal insulation of the room. In wet areas it is recommended that the nominal capacity of the underfloor heating should be around 150-160W / m2, while for living rooms and bedrooms this power should be 100-130W / m2.


  • easy and optimal temperature control in individual rooms
  • reduced energy consumption
  • reduced amount of up dust, making them suitable for people suffering from asthma or allergies
  • invisible source of warmth and comfort
  • long-life, without the need of maintenance